Enter the Silence

Are you weary and a bit frazzled? Too much to do and too little time? Give yourself this sweet gift. Create a space of silence for yourself – even a couple of hours, if not half a day or a weekend. Turn everything off, everything: tv, music, phone, cell, iPad, computer, everything. Let your wildly overstimulated neurology exhale and rest.

Go for a little walk and see what you can hear. Look up at the sky with as wide a view as you can find, and let yourself res-calibrate your true proportions. Float in a lake. Light a candle. Exhale. No agenda. Let comfort and ease seep in through all the edges. Welcome the small voice of gratitude. Be glad about the miracle of your life. Breathe in blessing. Breathe out blessing to your beloveds. Ins this moment, everything, absolutely everything, is exactly as it should be. Sabbath.

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